How many cats do you need to neuter to make an impact?
The purpose of the Community Cat Calculator is to help organizations and individuals understand the volume of spay/neuter of owned cats that need to be offered in the community as well as trap-neuter-return cats to be successful in reducing the outdoor cat population. This calculation helps you put numbers into the concepts that are shared in the Community Cat Pyramid and will provide you with tangible goals.
This is a quick way of having a needs assessment done for your county without having to do all of the leg work. It is easy to play with numbers to determine what you can do for your area or what numbers a collaborative effort could provide. Please check it out and see what you think.
Here's how the calculator works:
Simply enter the zip code for the town where you're aiming to reduce the free-roaming cat population and press "Calculate." In seconds, the calculator will generate estimates for the number of owned and community cats that need to be spayed or neutered in the county associated with that zip code. Next, enter your email in the field that appears, and you'll receive a detailed report with everything you need to set your TNR and spay/neuter goals. Give it a try!
Community Cat Calculator
Understanding the Community Cat Calculator
If you'd like to download a pdf version of the information below, click here.
The Community Cat Calculator is designed to help organizations and individuals understand the volume of spay/neuter services needed for owned cats, as well as Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) efforts, to successfully reduce the outdoor cat population. It translates the concepts from the Community Cat Pyramid into concrete numbers, giving you tangible goals to aim for.
This tool offers a quick needs assessment for your county without the hassle of doing all the groundwork yourself. You can easily adjust the figures to see what’s feasible for your area or what a collaborative effort could achieve.
In developing the Community Cat Calculator, we’ve provided background information specific to your county. Below are some details about our methodology. Our sources include data from DC Cat Count, ANIMALS 24-7, AVMA, and collective knowledge from years of experience working with various groups.
The bold numbers represent the key takeaways, and these are region-specific. You may need to collaborate with multiple organizations to ensure you’re meeting your spay/neuter and TNR targets.

This calculation is intended as a general guide, not a strict rule. Your group can adjust the numbers based on local conditions. The goal is to illustrate how much more spay/neuter services need to be provided to cat owners in order to reduce the number of cats requiring TNR or rescue.
Now that you understand the Community Cat Calculator, you can apply it to smaller towns, cities, and even neighborhoods to run the numbers yourself!
What should I do next?