A Best of CCP Episode! Will Zweigart, Flatbush Cats
January 28, 2020
Interview! Jeff Parks, Author of You Know Your Cat Loves You Because…
February 4, 2020
This week’s guest post comes to us from Liz Pease, former Executive Director of the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society, who was featured on CCP Episode #51.
Last week, on behalf of CCP, I attended Jackson Galaxy’s Total Cat Mojo Live tour. The Boston stop was held at the Wilbur Theatre, a fairly intimate venue that afforded great views of the multi-media show. Inspired by the book Total Cat Mojo: The Ultimate Guide to Life with Your Cat, the show featured everything from Galaxy playing the guitar and singing to videos and audience participation activities. The whole event was a bit of a strange mash-up of genres at times, but the moments where Galaxy was telling us the story of how he came to be the “Cat Daddy”—and of the cat who most inspired him—were deeply moving.
Galaxy discussed his three cat archetypes: the Mojito cat, the Napoleon cat, and the Wallflower. The last two are fairly self-evident, but the Mojito cat was a new one for me, and his explanation rang very true (and made me realize how much I’m missing having a cat like that in my life)! It was a new take on a way to start to look at cat behavior that I found very interesting. To Galaxy, those categories aren’t static; rather, they are a way to identify what’s going on with the cat in your life and then identify what would make your cat (and you) happier (=more like a Mojito cat). Galaxy talked about some basic strategies to help all cats and went into more detail in his answers to a few previously submitted audience questions.
Jackson Galaxy is truly an entertainer at heart, a fact that he embraces and flies within this show. Some parts of the “entertainment” portion of the show worked better than others, but all in all, this was an enjoyable and heartfelt tribute to Galaxy’s late cat Velouria, and to the great work that has been accomplished here in the United States on behalf of cats over the past several decades. Galaxy talked about how far we’ve come and even acknowledged that “we are now looking at community cats as cats who deserve our love” too. It’s certainly great for community cats to have a superstar of the cat world like Jackson Galaxy on their side, and hopefully, it will bring some additional attention and publicity to TNR and other community cat-related topics.