December 10, 2019
November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024
Article and photos contributed by Kristen Petrie, Technical Tabby, for the Community Cats Podcast (and one heck of a trapper.) As the sun rose over picturesque mountains and farmhands led the cows to their stalls to be milked, a herd of cats scampered down from the hayloft and through the […]
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- Gary Evans
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- Grimace scale
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- Guantanamo Bay Naval Station
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- guide to community cats for municipal officials
- guides
- gut bacteria
- gut microbiome in cats
- halloween
- hanukah
- Happy Holidays from the Community Cats Podcast
- Happy National Feral Cat Day
- harmful effects of declawing
- hashtags
- Have A Missing Cat? Do These Things First!
- Hawaii
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- healthcare
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- holiday safety
- holidays
- holistic
- holistic medicine
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- homeless
- Homeless Animals Relief Project
- homeless cat population
- homeless people
- homeless pets
- homeopathy
- hospice
- hospital
- hospital cage
- hotel
- house-call
- Houston
- How is Kitten Season Affecting You?
- How Shelters and Rescues Can Work Better Together For Cats
- how to
- How to Find an Organization to Volunteer With
- How to Handle Volatile Volunteers and Negative Nellies
- How to Introduce Cats to New Environments
- How to Retire an Old Feral Cat
- How to Set Up a Trap Bank that Works
- How to Track Those Pesky Grants
- How To Understand The Body Language Of Your Cat
- How to Work With Your Neighbors
- HQHVSN training
- Hug A Cat Day
- human animal bond
- human connection
- human education
- human interaction
- human resources
- humane alternatives
- humane alternatives to declawing
- Humane Canada
- humane cat programs
- humane education
- humane population control
- humane rescue alliance
- Humane societies
- Humane Society of Huron Valley
- Humane Society of Silicon Valley
- Humane Society of the United States
- humane solutions
- humane sterilization methods
- humane trap
- humane treatment of animals
- humane veterinary practices for cats
- Humane Voices
- hunting
- hurricane
- Hurricane Harvey and our Future
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Illinois
- illness
- illness and death
- inclusion and diversity
- Independence Day
- independent caretaker
- index card theory
- Indiana
- Indianapolis
- Indonesia
- indoor cats
- indoor/outdoor cats
- infectious
- information gathering
- Information Management
- inheritance
- injured cats
- innovation
- innovations in animal welfare
- inspiration
- intake
- integrated medicine
- interior design
- internal medicine
- international
- international animal welfare
- International Cat Care
- international organization
- internet
- interspecies communication
- interview
- interview process
- interviews
- introduction
- investigation
- investigator
- investment
- island
- It Could Finally Be a Turning Point for Cats
- It’s all about Spay/Neuter Baby
- Jackson Galaxy
- Japan
- Java Cats
- jobs
- journalism
- joy
- justice
- Kansas
- Katja M. Guenther
- kawaii
- keeping cats at home
- keeping cats in homes
- keeping cats in their home
- Kentucky
- kickstarter
- kids
- kids and cats
- Kids Cats and Books
- kitten
- kitten care
- kitten college
- Kitten Lady
- kitten mills
- kitten nursery
- kitten season
- kitten-free area
- kittens
- Kittens Everywhere
- Koanie Bernard Foundation
- kwanza
- Las Vegas
- last will and testament
- law
- laws
- lawyer
- leadership
- learning
- learning opportunities
- leash training
- leash walking
- leashes and collars
- legacy planning
- legal documents
- legislation
- legislature
- Let’s Talk About Cats: Conversations on Feline Behaviour
- lethal control
- library
- license plate program
- LifeLine Animal Project
- lifestyle
- lights
- Linda Chitwood
- listeners
- literature
- litter
- litter box issues
- live event
- live release
- live release rate
- live release rates
- livestock and farming
- living with cats
- local government
- local policy and law
- Lola: Diary of a Rescued Cat
- London
- Los Angeles
- lost
- lost and abandoned kittens
- lost and found
- lost cat
- lost cat recovery
- lost kittens
- lost pet
- lost pets
- Louisiana
- Love your Pet Day
- low income
- low income communities
- low-cost
- low-cost clinic
- low-cost clinics
- low-cost programs
- low-cost services
- low-cost solutions
- low-cost spay neuter
- low-cost vet care
- low-cost veterinary care
- low-cost veterinary services
- Maddie's Fund
- management
- manual
- March is Microchipping Madness Month
- marijuana
- market research
- marketing
- marketing and advertising
- marketing and communications
- marketing and pr
- marketing and promotions
- marketing and public relations
- Martin Luther King and… Community Cats?
- mash
- MASH clinic
- MASH-style clinic
- MASH-style clinics
- mass-trapping
- Massachusetts
- Meals on Wheels
- measure
- media
- media personalities
- medial
- mediation
- medical care
- medical expense help
- medical research
- medicine
- medicine shelter
- meditation
- meet up
- megaesophagus
- mental health
- mentor
- mentoring
- meow dc
- mergers
- messaging
- messaging strategies
- metrics
- Metro Denver CAT
- Mexico
- Michigan
- Mickey's Story
- microbes
- microchip
- microchip clinic
- microchip identification
- microchipping
- microneedle tattoos
- Million Cat Challenge
- mindfulness
- Minnesota
- misconceptions
- missing cat
- missing pet
- missing pets
- mission statement
- mobile clinic
- mobile spay and neuter programs
- modules
- money
- Montreal Summit for Animals
- moral distress
- motel
- mother cat
- motivation
- movie
- movies
- Movies and Documentaries
- moving with pets
- multi-animal household
- municipal contracts
- municipal shelter
- music
- musician
- Mutual Rescue
- My 13 Favorite (Mostly Free) Online Tools
- My Cat for Hell
- my cat from hell
- My Love-Hate Relationship with Social Media - Part 2
- My Love/Hate Relationship with Social Media
- My Nine Lives
- myths
- myths and misconceptions
- Natalia Hansen
- national
- national homeless pet day
- National Kitten Coalition
- national news
- national tabby day
- nationwide programs
- natural
- natural disaster
- neighborhood
- Neighborhood Cats
- neonatal
- neonatal foster program
- neonatal kittens
- neonates
- networking
- Neuter
- neuterm
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- new organizations
- new year
- new years
- New York
- New York City
- news
- newsjacking
- newspaper
- no-kill
- No-Kill Shelters Versus No-Kill Communities
- non-profit
- non-profit challenges
- Non-Profit Management
- non-profit organization
- non-surgical contraception
- non-surgical sterilization
- nonfiction
- North Carolina
- nourishment
- nursery
- nursing home
- nutrition
- nutritious cat food
- NY
- NYPD Explorers
- obesity
- oh behave
- Oklahoma
- oncologist
- one health paradigm
- online advertising
- online cat conference
- online classes
- Online Kitten Confrence
- online resources
- open admission
- open admission shelter
- Operation Paw's Parody Music Video
- operations
- opinion
- opportunity zone
- Orange County Animal Services
- Oregon
- organization
- organization building
- organizational cooperation
- organizational planning
- Orlando
- ornithology
- outdoor
- outdoor cat
- outdoor cat identification
- outdoor cat shelters
- outdoor cats
- outdoor shelter
- outdoor shelters
- outdoors
- outreach
- Overcoming Challenges
- overpopulation
- pain
- pain management
- pandemic
- paper collar
- paralysis
- participation opportunities
- partner
- partnership
- partnerships
- Paw & Order
- paw project
- Paws Salvation
- pedigree
- pedigree cats
- people
- people with disabilities
- permitting
- personality
- persons with disabilities
- pest
- pest control
- pet
- pet care
- pet cat
- pet detective
- pet emergency
- pet food
- pet food bank
- pet food banks
- pet food pantry
- pet helpline
- pet homelessness
- pet insurance
- Pet Life Radio
- pet loss
- pet matching
- pet overpopulation
- pet owners
- pet owners in crisis
- pet ownership
- pet photos
- pet product development
- pet products
- pet safety
- pet sitting
- pet stories
- pet trusts
- pets
- Pets Are Wonderful Support New York
- petsitting
- petsmart charities
- pharmaceuticals
- philosophy
- photo
- photographer
- photography
- physical and emotional impact of declawing
- piano cat
- pit bull
- placement
- planes
- planning
- planning ahead
- planning and strategy
- plans
- play
- Playing in the Sandbox! 10 Reasons For Coalitions and How To Do It
- podcast
- podcast listener
- podcast listeners
- podcasters
- podcasting
- Podcasts
- Podfest
- poison control
- poisonous plants
- police
- policy
- policy and law
- policy and legislation
- policy makers
- politics
- poll
- poor
- pop culture
- popular shows
- population
- population control
- population management
- Portland
- poverty
- powerpoint
- pr
- predation
- predictions
- preparation
- prepare
- Prepare for Winter and Prep Community Cat Shelters
- preparedness
- Preparing for Kitten Season and Trapping
- presentation
- presentations
- press release
- prevention
- preview
- productivity
- products
- professional development
- profile
- profit
- program development
- Program Developments
- program management
- programs
- progressive programs
- Project Steril Bareng
- promotion
- promotions
- protection
- protocol
- psychic
- psychology
- public
- public assistance
- public education
- public education and outreach
- public health
- public outreach
- public outreach and education
- public policy
- public relations
- public safety
- public service
- public support
- publicity
- puppy
- Puppy Protection Act
- purpose
- Q&A
- quality of life
- rabies
- rabies clinic
- radio
- raising money
- Raising Money for Community Cats
- rapper
- rat
- rats
- reading
- recalls
- recession
- recommendations
- record keeping
- records
- recovery
- recruiting
- recruitment
- referral program
- regulation
- rehome
- relations
- relaxation
- relocation
- repellent
- reporting
- rescue
- rescue work
- research
- resolution
- resolutions
- resources
- responsibility
- responsible ownership
- retail
- retention
- retrain
- return
- return rates
- return to field
- Return to Home
- return-to-owner rates
- review
- reviews
- ribbon
- ringworm
- romance novels
- root-cause solutions for cats
- rule of three
- rural
- rural america
- Sacramento
- safe and sound
- safety
- San Diego
- sanctuary
- sanitation
- Sarah Archer
- save rates
- scholarships
- school
- science
- science and technology
- scientist
- search strategy
- see it solve it stories
- self care
- self-funding
- senior cat
- senior citizens
- senior pets
- senior services
- seniors
- service animal
- services for owned pets
- Seven Tips to Convince Others to Help Community Cats
- severe weather
- Shark Tank
- She Podcasts Live
- shelter
- shelter care
- shelter cat stress reduction
- shelter conditions
- shelter design
- shelter facilities
- shelter intake
- shelter management
- shelter medicine
- shelter metrics
- shelter operations
- shelter programs
- shelter staff
- shelter work
- sheltering
- shop cats
- shopping
- show
- show me your kitty
- siamese
- sign
- Silicat Valley Cat Convention
- Sioux Empire
- small business
- sneuter
- snow
- snow and ice
- social and economic justice
- social issues
- social media
- social services
- social work
- socialization
- socializing
- socially conscious sheltering
- society and culture
- software
- software solutions
- solutions
- Sorry This Clinic is for Cats Only
- South Dakota
- spanish language programs
- Spay
- spay and neuter services
- spay neuter
- Spay Tennessee
- spay/neuter
- spay/neuter access
- spay/neuter clinic
- spay/neuter programs
- spay/neuter trapping
- speakers
- speaking to cats
- special needs cats
- special needs children
- special projects
- special-needs
- spirit
- spiritual healer
- sponsors
- St. Hubert's
- staff
- staff and volunteers
- staffing
- staffing alternatives
- stand up
- starting a business
- statistics
- stereotypes
- stimulation
- stories
- storm
- story
- storytelling
- strategic planning
- strategy
- stray
- stray cat
- Stray Cat Alliance
- stray cat reunification
- stray cats
- stray hold
- streaming video
- street cat
- stress
- stress management
- studies
- studies and research
- study
- success
- success stories
- succession planning
- summer
- summer reading
- Summit for Animals
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- support animals
- support networks
- surgery
- surrender
- surrender mitigation
- survey
- survival
- sustainability
- Tabby Dates
- Tag! You're Home Program
- talk to cats
- Tampa
- Targeted Surrenders
- targeted tar
- targeted TNR
- targeted TNR programs
- targeting
- taxes
- teaching tricks
- teamwork
- tech care
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- television media
- Ten Movement
- Ten Reasons Why We All Love Black Cats
- Ten tips for statewide success in identifying spay/neuter black holes
- Tennessee
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- the ask
- The Cat That Changed America
- The Fix Is In
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- the human animal bond
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- The Increase in Community Cat Learning Opportunities
- The Kitty Who Rescued Me After I Rescued Him
- The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals
- The Nuts and Bolts of a Donation Jar Campaign
- The Phases of Feline Over-Population
- The Ricky Fund
- The Summer Time Blues - When Volunteers Leave at the End of the Summer
- The Toby Project
- the whole cat conference
- The Year of the Cat 2020
- therapy
- therapy animals
- therapy cat
- tick
- time management
- Time to Think About Winterizing Feral Cat Shelters
- Tiny But Mighty Rescue
- Tipped Ears Rescue
- tips
- tips and trick
- tips and tricks
- Tips and Tricks for Community Cats at Halloween
- TLC PetSnip
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- TNR efforts
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- TNR Training
- TNRM A New Acronym for Stray Cats
- To Relocate or Not To Relocate - That is the Question
- Tony Lee Moral
- tools
- Top Online Resources for Volunteer Management
- Top Tips for Building Your Foster Network
- Top Tips: Fundraising and Donor Engagement
- tornado
- toxoplasmosis
- toys
- tracking effectiveness
- traffic
- training
- transfer way stations
- transport
- transport management
- Transport or Not To Transport
- transport programs
- transportation
- trap
- trap neuter return
- trap neuter vaccinate return
- trap-neuter-return (tnr)
- Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs
- TrapKing
- trapped
- trapper
- trappers
- trapping
- trapping cats
- trapping equipment
- trapping neuter return
- trapping workshops
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- travel with cats
- traveling with cats
- treats
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- tree climbing
- tree rescue
- trends
- Trick or Treat... Tips for Your Cats on Halloween
- trick-or-treat
- trip report
- trust
- underserved communities
- undocumented
- United Spay Alliance
- University of Denver
- unowned cats
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- upcoming events
- urban
- urban cats
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- vaccination
- vaccinations
- vaccine
- vaccines
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- veterinary training
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- volunteering
- volunteers
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- Wall Street Journal
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- warming trends
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- Washington DC
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- Watch HubCats Chelsea for Tips and Tricks for Cat Care
- We Care For Animals
- We went to Cat Camp NYC
- weather
- weather-proof shelters
- webinar
- webinars
- website
- welfare
- wellness
- wellness clinic
- whale and dolphin captivity ban
- What about the Kids? Ideas and Tips for Community Cat Education
- What Does a Humane Community Look Like for Cats
- What Food Makes Cats Throw Up
- What Is A Managed Colony
- What To Do When a Cat Knocks on Your Door
- What to do When Tragedy Strikes
- Why Adopting Two Kitties Is Better Than One
- Why It Is Okay to Return a Felv+ Cat
- Why November Should Be National Spay/Neuter Month and the 10-1 Rule
- wild animals
- wildlife
- wildlife management
- wildlife protection
- wildlife rehab
- will
- will and trust
- wills and trusts
- winter
- winter shelter
- winter weather
- Wisconsin
- Wisdom from a “Master Trapper" Part 1
- Wisdom from a “Master Trapper" Part 2
- witches
- women
- work life balance
- working cat
- working cats
- workplace culture
- writers
- writing
- yard
- yoga
- You Know Your Cat Loves You Because
- your relationship with your cat
- youth outreach
- YouTube
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- zero euthanasia
- zoology
December 10, 2019
November 27, 2024
November 27, 2024
Article and photos contributed by Kristen Petrie, Technical Tabby, for the Community Cats Podcast (and one heck of a trapper.) As the sun rose over picturesque mountains and farmhands led the cows to their stalls to be milked, a herd of cats scampered down from the hayloft and through the […]
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